Whilst OSR is a profitable break crop its establishment is becoming increasingly difficult with flea beetle, blackgrass and slugs making conditions very challenging to establish a strong and viable rape plant, the new Evolution OSR drill provides a fully-loaded machine which can achieve precision drilling and seed placement, soil and nutrient management and pest control in one pass.
The Evolution is the ideal all-in-one OSR seeder.

A front disc (1) works ahead of each 'Stealth' 15mm low disturbance leg (2), slicing through the soil surface to ensure minimal soil disturbance. This prevents grassweed seed being brought to the surface.
The seed bed is then prepared by the Stealth legs and points (2) (ie low disturbance, medium-depth) which alleviate compaction and improve soil structure, with minimal surface disturbance. This encourages good rooting with resulting early, vigorous spring growth. A V-profile roller (3) then re-consolidates, creating a micro-tilth ready for seed placement
The well-established Accu-Disc (4) double-disc coulter enables seed placement to be controlled precisely and consistently to a required depth, ensuring no seed is visible on the surface, providing ideal conditions for germination.
The rear wheel then closes and re-consolidates ensuring good seed to soil contact.
Slug pellets can be accurately applied in the same pass as the rape seed is drilled, using HE-VA’s Multi Seeder Twin (5) operated by a single control box, preventing slug damage in the early stages of growth.
An optional Nitro-Band or Nitro-Jet (6) can also be added to put on granular or liquid fertiliser exactly where and when the young plant needs it, giving an initial growth boost pushing the rape seedlings ahead of any pest damage.
Disc Openers

Disc openers slice through the soil surface ensuring the following tine does not break it open. Lower soil disturbance prevents/reduces blackgrass germination.
The tine “Hammer Thru” quick change shear bolt system protects the OSR seeder in tough, stony conditions and means minimum down time for the operator. Its “tolerance style” shearbolt allows several resets before the need for a change.
Alternatively there is a Hydraulic Reset tine version of the Evolution OSR drill for extremely stony conditions.
Shearbolt or Hydraulic Reset

All Subsoiler models are available with hydraulic auto reset for extremely stony conditions. An individual hydraulic ram on each of the Subsoiler legs which is connected to a gas accumulator allows the leg to break back and reset if it comes into contact with an unmovable object.
As the legs on a Subsoiler are adjusted deeper, the leverage on the hydraulic reset ram increases and so a pressure gauge is used to allow the operator to set the force required for the leg to break back.
Stealth 15mm LD Leg & Point Option

The 15mm low disturbance Stealth legs and tungsten tipped Stealth points are also the product of many years development. Whilst many customers are moving towards reduced tillage systems they appreciate that drainage is key to crop development, allowing timely field operations and preventing the relentless progress of grass weeds such as blackgrass. The Stealth leg and point that HE-VA has developed allows deep soil loosening whilst minimising surface disturbance and preventing mixing of the soil profile.
The thinner tines are made from stronger Hardox steel and can be interchanged with the standard 25mm subsoiler legs if necessary. However, it is the Stealth point that really makes the difference. It has a shallower wing angle and shorter tungsten tipped nose that opens the soil to create drainage without disturbing the whole soil profile.
Improve soil health by Stealth!
Rear V-Profile Roller

Like many of the machines in the HE-VA range the Evolution Oilseed Rape Seeder uses the pressed steel V profile ring as standard. However, all the rings are mounted on a 300mm tube so that each section of the roller turns as one ensuring the machine can continue to work in very wet sticky conditions.
Each ring section is castellated ensuring the roller turns in light soils and the aggressive rib and shoulder profile combines with the 125mm spacing to leave an excellent consolidated weatherproof finish.
Multi-Seeder Twin

Precise OSR seed and slug pellet metering through a single control box. It accurately applies seed and slug pellets in the same pass, making the Multi-Seeder Twin the ideal OSR seeder.
- Simple calibration and rate setting - easy to set up
- Individual metering for each outlet - precision
- Failsafe operator alarms - peace of mind
- Bespoke HE-VA machine fitting kits - no compromise
- RDS control box
- Radar - Accurate forward speed measurement
- Quick empty chute.

The HE-VA Accu-Disc is a double disc coulter with press wheel, this is the next step in Till-Seeding enabling seed placement to be controlled precisely and consistently to your required depth.
The Accu-Disc coulters are placed in line with the tines, once the tine has passed through and created some tilth on the surface and the roller has re-consolidated the soil the Accu Disc coulter opens the soil and places the seed at a constant depth ensuring no seed is visible on the surface then the rear press wheel closes and re-consolidates ensuring good seed to soil contact.